Lebanese policeman holds M-16 rifle at Parliament Building.Beirut 1984
Hezbollah Rally in Sidon, South Lebanon,1984
Sheik Nasrallah, Hezbollah leader speaks at Rally, Beirut 1993
Chouf War, Christian militiamen shell Druse positions, Chouf mountains, Lebanon
Lebanese army soldiers seen with their pet hawk. Chouf mountains 1983.
Lebanese Army soldiers shoot their M-16's at Druse fighters from their APC. Chouf War, Lebanon.
Refuge, Christian kids look out window of a church in Deir el Khamar, watching supplies being delivered during Chouf War.
PLO Fighter, with pistol and belt engraved with "Jerusalem" and a handgrenade. Chtaura, Bekaa Valley, Lebanon 1983.
Usual Suspects, Israeli soldiers detain a number of Lebanese civilians, West Beirut, September 1982
Orphans-Lebanese orphanage, East Beirut July 1982
Prayers,Israeli soldiers pray near Aley, Lebanon during invasion 1982.
Christian Militaman stands in road, Ashrefiyeh, East Beirut. 1981.
Green Line, Beirut. Shiite militiaman seen at the church, West side of line that divided Beirut.
"Bird" 15 year old fighter with AK-47 rifle, West Beirut 1985.
Bubbles, kids in West Beirut blow soap bubbles on their balcony. 1985
Sabra Palestinian camp. Young boy jumps over puddle in the camp's main street. 1982
Roman Ruins, Byblos, Lebanon 2008
Baalbek, Lebanon. Roman ruins in Baalbeck, Bequaa Valley, Lebanon 1993.
Martyr's Square, Beirut 1981
Hair and Makeup, Lebanese model, Martyr's square, Beirut 1993.
Lebanese Model climbs steps at the Martyr's square monument, Beirut 1993.
Martyr's Square, Hariri Mosque, Beirut 2008.